Why Stan Smith?!


The fashion trend is really like a epidemic. You just need few effort to make everyone to wear the Stan Smith basket. The star product of Adidas which named after a tennis player can be seen in every corner of the world since last summer. I’m not a basket fan but I have to admit that it matches with almost everything!


In the beginning, they have 3 colors: green, red and dark navy.And then they add silver, gold, fluo yellow…


Source picture: adidas.com

superstar_supercolor_4417_north_635x0-sourc glamourparis.com

Raf Simons for Stan Smith SS 2105

Let’s have a look of the fan of Stan Smith:





stan-smith-pythonThese wonderful shoes can really match anything: the jean slim, the jean boyfriend,  the skirt, the suit…

And for not being look like everyone else, I bought myself a… Superstar!unnamed (1)

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Here goes some street look of the Superstar Sneaker:


Source: style.com


Source: style.com

So why everybody has a Stan Smith (or a Adidas sneaker) ?!  I HAVE NO IDEA. But one thing I know, if you don’t have one, you are probably OUT:)!